5 Ways To Add More Peace & Quiet To Your Week

With modern life running at 100 miles per hour, sometimes it can feel as if there's not even time to take a breath. But taking as little as 10-minutes out of your day can make such a difference to your stress levels and general happiness! With today being National Quiet Day, we thought we’d share 5 ways to give your hectic week that sense of calm it really needs...

Reading With Coffee: Mindfulness | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense.


Take A Walk

It might be a bit of a cliché, but we’re firm believers in the power of taking a walk and getting some fresh air! It’s one of the best ways to get some headspace and feel a sense of calm after a stressful day. Even just getting off the tube 1 stop early and walking the last 15 minutes of your commute can be just what the doctor ordered.


Get Up 15 minutes Earlier

Are you always jumping out of bed at the last possible minute, rushing around like a headless chicken to get ready for work on time? Getting up just 15 minutes earlier might not seem like a lot, but it could make all the difference to your morning. Avoid rubbing shampoo in your eyes and throwing coffee down your shirt by giving yourself an extra 10 minutes to relax with your morning cup of Joe.


Learn To Say No

Learning to say no can be tough, but prioritising your time is crucial! Don’t say yes to plans just to please other people – figure out what you really have time for and learn to say no to everything else. Don’t lose your me-time because you’ve agreed to do something that you don't actually want to do. Especially when it comes to social plans, quality over quantity is key!


Schedule In “Me Time”

You wouldn’t skip a meeting or an appointment that’s in your diary, so why would you cancel on yourself? Having your me-time scheduled into your day will make sure those crucial 15 minutes of peace & quiet don’t fall by the wayside when your inbox starts filling up.


Ask For Help

Many of us hate asking for help, determined to prove that we’re more than capable on our own. But in reality, trying to juggle everything yourself usually just ends in disaster! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Whether that’s asking a colleague to help with a project, roping in a friend to help you move house, or even just calling your Mum and Dad to babysit for the night – you’ll be surprised at how happy people are to help, and how much weight it takes off your shoulders.

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