Korin Nolan's Baby Body Bootcamp
Neat Ambassador, Korin Nolan is founder of Power Pilates UK has just launched her online fitness plan The Baby Body Bootcamp, for new and busy mums, following the birth of her daughter ten months ago. Having relaxed a little too much and getting ‘out of shape' during pregnancy, Korin was keen to start exercising as soon as possible, but soon realised that her body needed to work at a slower pace and build her strength back up gradually as her body recovered from pregnancy and birth.
Over a period of five to six months Korin lost her baby weight and regained her strength and tone with a combination of low impact HIIT (important for new mums) and a no-starvation healthy eating plan. Korin found that an integral part of her weight loss was down to a high protein/low carb diet and swears by her creative recipes with Neat Nutrition for added protein intake.
She says: 'Your life is turned upside down when you have a baby, so it takes a while to get back into things - and that's perfectly normal. Being a fit and healthy mummy has made my experience as a second time new mum much more manageable and enjoyable, as I have felt better about myself and my body. I truly believe that any new mum would benefit from eating healthily and exercising, not only for weight loss, but also to keep the baby blues at bay and help feeling slightly more energised after all those sleepless nights! Of course time and baby sitters are the biggest hurdle when it comes to working out and for most, getting to the gym is near impossible on a regular basis. That's why my 30 minute home workouts are easy to fit into your new routine hopefully when baby is asleep!'
Try Korin's Buggy Workout, for when you're on the go but want to fit in some exercise.
Head over to her website to download her FREE Top Tips including a Neat Nutrition Smoothie Bowl recipe. PLUS the first 50 Neat Nutrition readers who buy the whole plan will also get an exclusive 20% off! Simply type NEAT20 at the checkout.