Mental Health Mondays: Top Tips for Improving Your Mindset
Blur once said, Modern Life is Rubbish. While we don’t wholeheartedly agree with this statement, the amazing stuff that makes living in 2018 great, also brings a whole host of pressures, stress and worry. It can sometimes feel like your life is made of all the spinning plates and it’s a struggle to keep them all going. Here are a few of our suggestions for things that could help improve your mindset if your burdens sometimes feel a little too heavy.
Get Creative
Letting your mind focus on something creative can work wonders for improving your outlook. Whether you’d like to turn your hand to writing, painting, drawing or perhaps DIY, starting a project and focusing on something different, can really help. Local colleges and learning centres offer some great 1-day or weekend courses on everything from photography to cake decorating – why not do some research and see if anything strikes an interest.
Get Some Vitamin D
We have a complex relationship with the sunshine in this country; we long for it all year and when it arrives and is perhaps warmer than expected, we do enjoy a good moan about it! Nothing beats getting outside in the sunshine to improve your mood though. Remember to keep an eye on sun safety and keep the sunblock close, but otherwise, embrace the blue skies! Go for a long walk, eat outside, visit a park or get gardening.
Ask For Help
Work-related stress is often the top offender when it comes to a negative mindset. If your workload is too much to cope with, speak to your line manager and explain how you’re feeling. Any decent company who cares about their employees will listen and offer help and solutions.
Treat People with Kindness
It’s a simple statement, but its one that too many people ignore. Treating people well and being kind is an amazing way to make yourself feel better too. Attack your day with a smile and remember that those small acts of kindness can literally make someone else’s day. Your positive attitude can lead to a positive mood and make things seem a little brighter.
Set Your Intentions
At the start of the day, take a moment to think about how you want to feel at the end of it. Consider the obstacles you want to combat (whether work, personal, fitness, creative etc) and think about how you’ll conquer them. Just visualizing your goals can sometimes help you reach them and make you feel better about getting there.
We’re not mental health professionals or experts. This blog is written from personal experience, but if you feel like your worries are more than just everyday issues, please seek help from your GP or a mental health professional.