Spring Wellness Tips

After a never-ending Winter, Spring is a wonderful time for new growth, change, opportunity and optimism. This much-welcomed boost of energy we’re all feeling thanks to the change of season is the perfect opportunity to achieve something positive, whether that’s simply spring cleaning your house or revamping your wellbeing. So, here’s our top tips for boosting your wellness this Spring:

Spring Wellness Tips | Neat Nutrition. Clean, Simple, No-Nonsense. 

Switch Up Your Exercise Routine

Feeling stuck in a rut with your workout routine? It’s time to switch things up and try out something new. Whether that’s joining a new gym, booking into a different class or reaching out to a PT for some advice, the change will do you the world of good and can help you push past a plateau. Want to re-spark your love of running? Thanks to the lighter evenings and earlier mornings, it’s also a great time to re-connect with nature and take your workout out into the fresh air.


Spring Clean Your Life

It’s not just your home that could do with a good clean! Spring clean your life and take the opportunity to reinvigorate yourself – try cutting back on the booze, eating well and getting rid of any bad habits or people that just don’t serve you. It’ll be just the breath of fresh air you need.  


Wake-Up Earlier

It's time to start your day as the sun comes up! With the days getting longer and the sun getting warmer, getting up a little earlier is a great way to support your internal rhythms as well as boost your productivity. 


Lighten Up Your Food

During winter, there’s nothing we want more than slow-cooked stews and comforting roasts. However, now that Spring is here, it’s the perfect chance to change up your eating habits and lighten up your meals. We recommend eating with the seasons and incorporating more lightly steamed or stir-fried veggies that still keep a little crunch.


Focus On Sleep

Rejuvenation doesn’t happen without sleep – it’s the time where we truly rest, recover and grow. Establish a good sleep routine where you go to bed and wake up at a similar time each day, and swap your usual late night social media scroll for a more relaxing bedtime habit.

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